When I first moved back to Lake Havasu , I was going through a lot of things. It was hard for me to function like a productive member of society. I couldn't handle everyday tasks like make lunch or make the bed. Showering regularly and staying up on hygiene was difficult as well. I was stuck in a fantasy land of conspiracy theories and sometimes wasn't able to tell the difference between reality and fantasy. I had moved in with my dad and step mom, with my two kids in 2012. I started a program of recovery. Every morning I would dread getting out of bed to start my day. I wanted to be stuck in the problem and feel sorry for myself. I wanted to be rescued. At my dad's, that wasn't happening. One day I decided to change. I told myself that I wouldn't be able to lay back down if the bed was made. Problem was I couldn't force myself out of bed. I was determined to get the bed made if it was the last thing I did. So, I stayed in bed. I made the bed while laying In it. It wasn't easy, and it wasn't the best job, but I got it done, eventually that is. After a couple weeks, I figured out that it was easier to stand up and make the bed, but I built the habit. Repeated tasks eventually turn into habits. Soon I started doing the floor after I made the bed. I would roll out of bed and sit on the floor until everything was picked up. Everyday I would do this and tell myself,"Do things you don't want to do." I would throw a fit every time I thought about doing these things. "I don't want to go to the store," so, I would do it anyways. Eventually I felt a little better about myself because I moved from staying in the problem, into working on the solution. It worked. I have my routine now. It may sound insane, but if it worked for me it can for you too. Now I am able to do things, like go fishing.
Thank you for sharing. So many of our classmates endured similar struggles. Love ya